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The JEE ADVANCED Exam will be conducted on May-24 and is the exam for admission into the prestigious 17 IITs. A Rank within the Top 6000 in Common Merit List is required for an OPEN category student to secure admission into some branch in the IITs. The IITs offer 4-years B.Tech., 5-years Dual Degree M.Tech., 5-years M.Sc. programs besides B.Arch. & B.Des. programs. About 5000 seats are available for OPEN category and about 5000 seats are available for Reserved category students in the 17 IITs. The results shall be declared on June-18. Here are a few last-minute tips for the JEE ADVANCED aspirant :

1.         Be Grounded in Fundamentals and seek comfort in them – it helps to neutralize the stress due to competition and the general pressure of the JEE.

2.         Revise the formulae and important results across the syllabi. Also go through all the important Reactions and information charts in Organic & Inorganic Chemistry especially from NCERT books in the next 2 days.

3.         A day before JEE, simply relax, be with yourself and do gentle revision and spend time with family. Sleep early on May-23 so that you are well rested and energised to face the JEE ADVANCED exam on May-24.

4.         After giving several Mock Tests in the past few weeks, you should have arrived at an adaptive Attempt Strategy to face the JEE ADVANCED exam. Remember, it is important not to miss out any easy questions in the Test and it is equally important not to get stuck for too much time on some tricky questions. The decision to attempt or not to attempt a particular question is an important factor which eventually decides your JEE ADVANCED Rank. Be aware of the same.      

5.         Better early than never.

Reach your test center at least 30 minutes before the start of the test for check-in procedures. If you’re late, you may not be admitted. Bring your ID card along with the Admit Card.

6.         Spend the time between Paper-1 and Paper-2 (12-2pm) wisely. Do not eat a heavy lunch and take rest in a nearby hotel or a friend’s house as the summer heat is scorching and can sap you of your energies if you stay out in the sun. Do not discuss about Paper-1 with anyone during the break either.

7.         Time Management is crucial during the examination. The ideal time distribution in a 3-hour paper is 40 minutes for Chemistry, 60 minutes for Physics & 75 minutes for Mathematics. The remaining 5 minutes is meant for a go-over to check whether you have filled up the details properly, not done any block-shifts etc.

8.         Do not waste time on questions in the paper which appear tough and challenge your ego but actually waste your time. Instead, hunt out the easy questions and gain marks.

9.         Be prepared for surprises

You should be mentally ready for some surprises in the paper. Whatever it is, remember that everyone is in the same boat.  There is no point in getting mentally worked up over it. e.g. the JEE 2015 paper may turn out to be entirely Subjective or may be a little tough or even be ridiculously easy for a change !

10.       Pray – Prayer is the Supreme Power and you must invoke it in a reverent manner. Prayer arises out of gratefulness and a sense of surrender to the Almighty ! Seek Blessings from your parents, teachers and seniors.


-          Durgesh C. Mangeshkar

 (Director, IITian’s Prashikshan Kendra Pvt. Ltd.)


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